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Education Tech (2)

3 min read

5 Education Trends in 2023 and How ASTROS Can Help

In the ever-evolving field of education, staying up to date with the latest trends and addressing the associated challenges is crucial for providing...

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Boosting Classroom Efficiency

2 min read

Boosting Efficiency: How ASTROS Helps Teachers Control Screensharing

Wireless presentation technology has revolutionized the classroom experience, becoming a vital tool for teachers who want to deliver engaging and...

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3 min read

5 Ways to Improve Children’s Social Skills through Screensharing

As children grow and develop, they naturally learn and refine their social skills through interactions with others. These social skills are crucial...

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2 min read

How Educators Can Avoid Being Overburdened with Edtech Options

The Challenge of Edtech Overload Technology has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing everything from shopping to socializing. In...

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2 min read

Why Do You Need Technology to Realize Active Learning in The Classroom?

Traditional methods of teaching focus more on memorization and rote learning. Students are given information and then expected to regurgitate it back...

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