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Empowering Classroom Mobility: Meeting the Needs of Students and Teachers

Empowering Classroom Mobility: Meeting the Needs of Students and Teachers

Integrating technology into the classroom has become indispensable in enriching the educational experience for both educators and learners. Among the innovations that have revolutionized the learning environment is the wireless presentation solution. This cutting-edge solution liberates teachers from the confines of the front of the classroom, granting them the flexibility to share their screens or allow students to share theirs from anywhere within the classroom. More than just screen sharing, the ASTROS wireless presentation solution even provides teachers with the capability to control screen sharing while walking around the classroom.

In the market, wireless presentation solutions are mostly designed for business use, and they usually lack a control screen sharing feature. However, we understand that K-12 educators need time to maintain order and discipline, which is why we came up with the "Moderation Mode" to allow teachers to control screen sharing while being able to walk around the classroom.


Giving Teachers Full Mobility in The Classroom

Teachers are no longer restrained by HDMI cables when sharing content from their devices with displays. They can move freely around the classroom, engage directly with each student, and control screen sharing in every corner of the classroom. The ability to move around fosters a conducive learning environment for students, marked by heightened levels of engagement, which, in turn, correlates with enhanced academic performance.


No Pressure for Content Sharing Setup

With ASTROS, teachers can move to different classrooms to start classes without feeling pressured, as they don’t need to go through complicated setups for screen sharing. Moreover, they can initiate screen sharing from any corner of the classroom. Here, we would like to share one more tip – using Quick Join. If teachers frequently visit certain classrooms, they can create shortcuts for each classroom on the desktop. Clicking the shortcut allows them to immediately start screen sharing with ASTROS.

Encouraging Active Student Engagement

Teaching in close proximity to students fosters active participation and collaboration. As teachers move around the classroom, they can establish better eye contact, assess students’ comprehension, and offer prompt feedback or redirection as needed. This personalized attention strengthens the bond between students and teachers, cultivating an inclusive learning environment where each student feels acknowledged and valued.


Manage Classroom Dynamics

Classroom dynamics involve the interactions between students and teachers in a classroom community, encompassing student behaviors, emotions, and imagination. In K-12 education, wireless screen sharing can effectively engage students and promote collaboration. However, teachers may have concerns about its convenience, as students might share irrelevant content on the displays. ASTROS’ Moderation Mode allows teachers to have full control over screen sharing throughout the classroom. Using a tablet, teachers can designate any student to share their screen, and they can also preview students’ screens before sharing them. This feature reduces the pressure on teachers to maintain order and discipline. To learn more about Moderation Mode, read the article “Boosting Classroom Efficiency: How ASTROS Helps Teachers Control Screen Sharing.”

Classroom Dynamics


The right classroom technology should prioritize the alignment of technology with the requirements of both teachers and students. ASTROS’ wireless presentation solution plays a transformative role by liberating teachers from the confinement of the front of the class and engaging students in the classroom. From screen sharing to controlling, ASTROS positions itself as the ideal tool to support teachers and students in the classroom. If you want to learn more about ASTROS, don’t hesitate to Contact Our Experts, who will provide you with comprehensive information.

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